What is love?
What does it entail when you love someone?
I've been in love a lot of times or so I thought. At some earlier point in my life I thought I love someone, and a lot of people think so too. The symptoms: I like to talk and think about him.
I can sense his moods even when others do not. And when the feeling goes a little deeper, I can sense his pains. Is that love?
Love I was told was selfless. It admires and at the same time desires what is good for the one that you love. But when you feel someone, when you experience pain as the other experiences, is wanting that person to be happy and have all that makes life worthwhile a selfless longing? Cause when you feel the pain, it is but natural that when the person is happy, you too will be happier. So going back the above premise that love is selfless for it desires what is good for the other; isn't the desire itself a selfish longing to be happy?
I can sense his moods even when others do not. And when the feeling goes a little deeper, I can sense his pains. Is that love?
Love I was told was selfless. It admires and at the same time desires what is good for the one that you love. But when you feel someone, when you experience pain as the other experiences, is wanting that person to be happy and have all that makes life worthwhile a selfless longing? Cause when you feel the pain, it is but natural that when the person is happy, you too will be happier. So going back the above premise that love is selfless for it desires what is good for the other; isn't the desire itself a selfish longing to be happy?
We'll I don't know, I really don't. Why don't you tell me, hmmm.