Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Love and Loving

What is love?

What does it entail when you love someone?

I've been in love a lot of times or so I thought. At some earlier point in my life I thought I love someone, and a lot of people think so too. The symptoms: I like to talk and think about him.
I can sense his moods even when others do not. And when the feeling goes a little deeper, I can sense his pains. Is that love?

Love I was told was selfless. It admires and at the same time desires what is good for the one that you love. But when you feel someone, when you experience pain as the other experiences, is wanting that person to be happy and have all that makes life worthwhile a selfless longing? Cause when you feel the pain, it is but natural that when the person is happy, you too will be happier. So going back the above premise that love is selfless for it desires what is good for the other; isn't the desire itself a selfish longing to be happy?

We'll I don't know, I really don't. Why don't you tell me, hmmm.

Giant Steps Towards Living the Dream

I was always told to never let go of my dreams. If it matters that much hang on to it; think, feel and visualize your dream and somehow, somewhere it will come true.

When I was young, I dream of becoming a teacher. Back then I put teachers at the top of a golden pedestal. To me, they are one of those people who can and will shape the future of young lives. I have so much regard for my teachers that I dreamed of wanting to be just like them.

The opportunity to guide, to influence and to inspire young minds to reach their full potential and live a good life is like a light that beacons me forever.

Until now I never got around to becoming a teacher-- a school teacher that is. But I did some teaching and my share of trying to inspire others. Growing up, the desire to teach and inspire never leaves me even when I left the pursuit of earning a professional educators license. I traded one means with another, but still working on the same dream.

The two pictures you find here are hard proofs that no matter what; no matter when and for how long you will wait; and whether or not you feel ready for it, someday you'll just have to tough it out and take that first step towards living your dream.

The pictures were taken during the Basic Supervisory Skills seminar that I had the good fortune to facilitate at Cebu Graphic Star. These are the wonderful supervisors that have given me the opportunity to test the waters and gauge whether I will comfortably fit in with the role I have always envisioned my self to be.

I know I still have a long way to go in fulfilling what I always wanted to become. However, after that experience with Graphic Star, I am quite confident that if I will allow myself, I can be whatever I wanted to be.

To all the staff of Cebu Graphic Star. Thank your for letting me jump start my dreams inside your walls.

And to all those out there that's looking for some highly customizable leadership and supervisory trainings for your staff and crew that's within your budget, I am here waiting, anticipating and enthusiastically preparing for the second helping of my dream.