Hello dear folks! I know its been a while since you've read me online. Maybe you've seen my avatars doing some round on my farm and my pet went fishing, well that's not me. And please don't get offended if the avatars ignore you. My farm hand and the caretaker of my pet is quite a snob. She felt entitled by the way--she is planting not trees in farm town but mansion, although i am told that mansions are no longer the most expensive building around Town.
My caretaker also finds it within her right to invest in Restaurant City. She is using my name as a dummy for her chain of restaurants, so again if you've seen and been ignored by my avatar, don't mind it. She meant no ill well. It's just that my caretaker abhors the role of being my PR officer. I still need to hire one for that.
The hardest part is leaving my mafia family for so long. My caretaker also does not care for the darker side of my business. I also need to hire some thugs for that. Anyone interested, just say hi.
Ooops need to take some rest now, it will be the doctor's advise come Monday--but I'm hoping its just rest that I need and nothing more serious than that. Doctor's advise or not, I still hope this is a start of another round of thoughts from me. I have so much more to say, so many thoughts to share and mostly because I am currently working for 2 of the best guys I ever meet in my journey along the corporate corridors.